Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Because certain mothers have been asking.

Let us introduce you to what has been taking up every single moment of our free time. [Yes, it even comes before dishes or toilet cleaning. But NOT before toilet using - just for the record.]
One of our favorite things about it so far, is sitting on the edge there all cuddled up and listening to the fountains super late at night. It's such a peaceful sound, running water. However, we ran to Wal-Mart tonight and picked up some diving rings and some goggles and I can see our "favorite part" switching over rather rapidly to something like chasing after and catching the rings before they hit the bottom! Guess only time can tell! All in all though? We LOVE this baby. There hasn't been a day yet that one of us missed jumping in. I'm even saving loads on eye makeup and hair product considering the fact that being dry for three hours at a time doesn't really constitute "getting done up" in my humble opinion. This summer for me is going to mean oversized tanks and easy to pull on shorts, waterproof bronzer, air-dried curls, and lots and lots of after-sun lotion. Sigh. So nice to finally be able to enjoy these beautiful triple digit temps!