Sunday, December 4, 2011


I love the sun so much more on days like this! It's too cold to sit in the shade, but settling yourself right smack dab in the middle of its rays keeps you just warm enough to thoroughly enjoy the occasional chill or rush of goosebumps.

Zooming in, today. Zooming in on strands of hair and pretty patterned scarves and argyle tights. Kind of like this morning when Levi solidified his position as my #1 favorite person in this world by gently setting his hand on the back of my arm as I climbed into the truck - a tiny gesture that may not have meant anything, but it made me feel safe. Later in the afternoon he somehow came to the conclusion that my new nickname was bumbum and he proceeded to call me by it out loud while in public - at least I know that I never need to worry about being an embarrassment. Then this evening. He let me warm up my fingers in between his arms and his chest while we watched some football - something he always does but something that I don't think should ever go unmentioned because it's those kinds of things that make me feel like just maybe this boy loves me or something.

See what I mean?

It's really pretty easy to enjoy the sunshine, once your focus is on the details. All the tiny little details. They're the ones that make this life, so great.

1 comment:

  1. yay! your back! Good posts...i love the little things too.
