Sunday, July 17, 2011

He IS perfect.

Here's a question. I was putting my niece and nephew in bed last night and they asked me to read them Little Red Riding Hood. Anyone want to explain to me WHY on earth we read this story to our children?? I started worrying about the dreams I was going to have about the time I got to the part where the hunter slices open the wolfs stomach. Let alone the tiny humans I was reading it to. Not so sure them brothers Grimm thought that one through.

Anyways. I'm sick today. It hit me last night and today my nose is running and my throat is swollen so tight I can barely even get water to slip past it. Can I hear a big DISLIKE for summer colds? Then again, in this new life I'm living with this cute boy sick days mean only one thing...

Sick presents!

In this case, a whole entire Sick Day Date. He took me to fancy shmancy Wendy's where we both got spicy chicken sandwiches and doused them in ranch. Then we went and got Jamba. Then we went to Starbucks and sat outside under the misters to drink it. We talked about life and dreams and living in Seattle someday. Then he told me I was pretty. I told him I must be pretty lucky to have gotten a boy who likes the puffy-eyed-red-nosed look. He rolled his eyes. Then I laughed.

Honestly I think that that boy is better at healing me than that free immunity boost in my Razmatazz.

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