Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here's what I sweated in today.

YES. I am still trying to force Fall. Only today, instead of long sleeves with shorts - it's a tank top with a scarf. I'm a confused little child.
I also ventured into the world of jeans today. I am so excited for cooler weather.
Do you want a side-dish-story this morning? 
Every day, after Levi wakes up, he yawns a couple times. Then he spends several minutes stretching. Then goes to the bathroom. Then he wanders back out scratching his messy hair [and looking a little lost]. Once he gets his barrings again, he turns the light on to the very lowest setting. He hasn't picked up his glasses yet, so he kneels back down on the bed and puts his face about an inch away from mine to see if my eyes are still closed, whether they are or not, he always whispers:
"Are you still sleeping?"

I absolutely love this.

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