Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today I Love

Today I love that when I asked Levi the other day if he was okay with me never straightening my hair again, he looked at me blank and responded with an "Of course!" as if it was silly that I even asked. I love that that boy takes me as I am - frizzy unstyled hair and all. I love that the other day I froze some cookie dough in little balls so that I could pull them out and eat them whenever my little heart started craving, and I love that every time I do so now, Levi calls it a "Cookie Party" and absolutely INSISTS that I formally invite him to it. [I won't even go into the pitifully pained expression on his face the first time I didn't. I tried to explain that it wasn't really a party, and that if it had been he of course would have been number one on the guest list...but "how on earth could I have thought for even a second that it wasn't a party if there were cookies AND me involved"?? Lesson learned.] I love that while we're painting cabinets, he calls it a game and races constantly to catch up with me. I love how FUN that boy makes my life. I love surrounding myself with people who make me laugh. People I don't have to think around, if that makes sense. Do you know what I mean? It's just nice when you can let go with someone. When you can just be. No pressure. It's rewarding.

Want to know what else I love?

Isn't there something so magical about new boxes of crayons? It's like a blank canvas for me. Or opening a fresh tube of paint. Or sharpening a dull pencil. I'm a sucker for fresh starts I suppose. It's just know. 

PS: Blue green has been my favorite for as long as I can remember. Blue green, then Scarlet. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. Can you please give us a lesson on how to do eye liner? I always love yours and you do it in different ways. I want to learn! My favorite is orange, of course. You know me :)
