Saturday, September 3, 2011

If I could have.

If I could have invited you over for some raspberry lime iced tea while the sun set, I would have told you how completely inspired I am for this weekend. I would have told you about the last three nights of [no] sleep I've had and how my mind will just not stop reeling about all the crazy ideas I'm gathering for our newly re-finished kitchen. I would tell you about the vintage motifs I want to bring in to break up some of the geometric lines. I would have told you about how badly I want to go shopping for some mellow floral patterns to pair together for curtains and wall art and everything else. I would have shown you the blank canvas' that belonged to my grandpa before he died and tell you how excited I am to paint them and incorporate something so meaningful into the room.

I would have told you how busy I've been for the last three days and how bummed out it makes me when I don't have time to take pictures and blog about everything going on. I would have told you that I couldn't wait to spend the next three days at home, with my camera around my neck, and the boy right next to me squeezing my hand whenever I need a lil' energy boost. 

Then I would probably have closed my eyes for a second and fell into a daydream about him. I would have laughed and tried to explain to you how adorable his little boy face is when he wants to ask me to make shoyu chicken again even though I've already made it for him five times in the last two weeks. I would have told you about how needed he makes me feel. I would have told you about how much I love the way he loves me. I would have told you about last night. About how he took me to a birthday party for one of his old school friends yesterday and about how he held my hand, and kept me with him and made sure to introduce me to every person we came to. I would have most definitely mentioned how sweet he is to act so proud of me and my photography and how special he makes me feel when he brags about it to his people. I would have definitely told you how much I love that boy. [IF I was feeling super comfortable, I may have even told you how lately we've discovered that commercial breaks go a lot faster if you make out all through them - but really only if I got super comfortable.]

After that, I would have asked you if you wanted to come inside for some cookies and milk and I'd pull out the chocolate chip cookie dough I made and froze yesterday and while they were cooking I would have thanked you endlessly for listening to me and chatting with me and giving me a chance to clear my mind before I jumped in to my [endlessly long] to do list for the next few days.

Then of course, I would have asked about you. I wonder what you would have told me. Hope you have had a lovely Saturday friends. Thanks for the date.

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