Monday, February 21, 2011

Just call me Levi's Girlfriend.

I went down to Fresh and Easy today to grab some milk while Levi tried to get some work done outside before the sun went down. As I checked out, one of the boys who seems to be working every time we're there stopped me, "Where's' your second half?" he said with a smile on his face. "I know, right? He had to stay home and get some work done today." "Aw, well tell him I say not to work too hard." He gave me a little wave, and headed off to clean up the Greek Yogurt display [which had recently been traumatized by some rather rambunctious little younglings who by the looks of things were confusing the plastic cups with hand grenades.]

Can I just say how much ridiculous joy I get from knowing people associate me with Levi Chell Roberts?

You know how while you're growing up, if you have like, Miss Everybody Knows Her as a sister, or you become friends with Popular Mcgee at some point, and you say hi to someone who knows one of them, they're like, "Oh, you're Miss Everybody Knows Her's sister, right?" or, "Oh, I've seen you with Popular Mcgee, haven't I?" and you hate it with a passion and decide you'd just rather nobody even know you?

Well that is NOT what this is like. Not even a little bit. This is like, if everywhere I went for the rest of my life, every single person referred to me as Levi's girlfriend and no one ever even said my name again, I would be such a happy little duck. In fact, it would be quite an honor.

In fact, from now on, if you would be so kind as to start just calling me Levi's Girlfriend, that'd be great!

Dear Mr. Roberts,
I'm the other half of your Peanut Butter Mood, the other half of your Sweet Pork Salad, the other half of your Honey Lime Enchiladas, and I love it all. Let's never stop finding things to share!
Love, Me

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