Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The story of lately.

Lately, Levi and I have had a lot going on. And when I say a lot, I mean, a LOT. Well okay, maybe not that much. Maybe just one thing, in particular. But that one thing really has us running around like a couple drops of water in a sand storm.

You see, a couple weeks ago, Levi and I decided to put in a pool. That's right people. A pool.

Confession: WE ARE SO EVERLASTINGLY EXCITED ABOUT IT. It's really pretty. It's getting hot. The tan I worked so very hard on starting at the beginning of the summer is becoming forgotten and faded. Needless to say, we are so not regretting this purchase. The part of it we didn't expect, was how fully it's making us want to finish everything we have started. For example... We have a hammock to finish painting, a couple walls to still finalize a color on, a work bench to add another shelf to PLUS a twin bench to design. We have a pathway out back to lay, a brick barrier between our house and the neighbors that we're putting in. Not to mention I have a wardrobe I'm re-purposing, a [how shall I put it...] ex...wedding dress I'm re-designing for a photo shoot idea I've been working over in my head, a couple wall hangings I'm accenting and altering the images on. Not to mention the couple things I'm in the middle of wanting to wrap up because the misters birthday is just around the corner. And really people I'm not even kidding when I tell you that that is just the start of it. On top of all of which we of course have to work at some point and try to remember to keep eating and exercising and taking care of us. We've taken to playing Monopoly before bed when both of us are feeling fried. You know, because what a great, relaxing game that is!

The good thing, is that even though we have a lot going on, or perhaps more accurately, because we have a lot going on whenever we finish a project or reach a milestone or something of the sort, we're taking time to just sit, enjoy, and talk to each other. Day before yesterday it was under the work bench, yesterday it was at the top of the stairs, today it was outside "in the pool" [Aka: on the grass where the pool is going to be...]. Right now I'm so, so grateful that Levi is so good at treasuring those little quiet moments because I feel like we could get so overwhelmed and stressed out by a lot of this!  He's amazing for staying so cool about it all.

All that being said, [and even though I know I've said it before...] I really am going to try to keep my head in the blogging world through all of this because I feel like taking the time each day to recognize the things I love has become such a great way to keep my head in the right place.

Today I loved the way the sun was coming through our screens outside this afternoon. LOVED it. Hope you had a beautiful Tuesday!

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