Monday, April 11, 2011

An unflappingly boring post? My apologies, friends.

Well. We've had a ridiculously busy day and once again I didn't have time to bust out the camera. I'm sorry. I just thought I'd chime in real quick to share with you a little example of how our conversations today, have been going.

Background. It all stems, from my favorite conversation from yesterday:
Upon hearing someone reporting at the golf Masters that one of the contestants wasn't quite "Unflappable".

Me: "Unflappable?"
Levi: "Yeah, unflappable."
Me: "Is that English?"
Levi: "Yeah, to be without flap."

Right, honey. Now define "flap" for me. I actually quite like the word. I think I may use it. Like when Levi is driving with the windows down and I'm in the middle seat. "Babe, could you roll the windows up? My hair is really unflappable today." or like if a girl walks into church late wearing really loud heels, "Could you unflap a little back there?" or if Levi wakes up to pee in the middle of the night and I accidentally left the lid down again he may become a little unflapped. Then he may unflap me for a couple hours trying to make sure it never happens again and when I'm thoroughly unflapped, sleep may unflappably escape me and we may never get unflapped again because who really ever gets over being unflappable enough to not remember to put the dang lid up for her unflappingly blind boyfriend who can't tell the difference between his girlfriend and his pillow when his contacts aren't in, let alone see that the lid on the toilet is unflapped still in time to fix it?? Phew! Just call me the unflapper.

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