Sunday, April 10, 2011

Today I Love

Today I Love: the light of a cloudy day and the smell the day after. I love that last night Levi and I went and bought wood to build him a workbench and I love that the few planks of wood for the top of said bench weigh probably triple what I do and I love that when I was "helping" him carry it out of the truck into our garage and I almost dropped it whilst falling into a pile of bricks he incredulously asked, "What happened there? Was it just too heavy for you or something?" and I love that then we both laughed and thanked the Lord that that was the last piece of wood we had to carry because umm, YES it was too heavy for me thank you very much, but I do love that his mind is so convinced that I truly am just as good of a help as any of his I-spend-all-my-free-time-at-the-gym-and-can-bench-five-times-what-I-weigh-with-one-hand-and-my-eyes-closed guy friends. I also love run-on sentences. Did you get all that?

Today WE love: having the internet back! Oh how we love having the internet back. Levi says I am quite the grump-pot without the internet. I of course haven't a clue what he's talking about. [Couldn't have been the multiple times every day for the last five days that I complained about him cheating for the lead in our Fantasy Basketball finals.] Three cheers for being completely reliant on modern conveniences!

Good Sabbath, y'all.

[PS: Picture chosen as further proof that my arm strength isn't exactly up to the level of his arm strength. Just not quite there yet. I'll have to get to work on that.]

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys. Amalee you have such a talent for writing. I love hearing about your lives. Dont ever stop expressing how much you love each other. More people should live by your example. I think the zucchini recipe looks yummy. Thanks for taking care of and loving my boy.
