Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love me a man in an apron.

We did something fun last night! 
It involved food, and us, and lots and lots of freezer bags. Guesses?
Drum Roll Please

  Dinner A'Fare! Ever heard of it? It's this fetching adorable place where you go and make your own pre-packed, ready to cook, freezer meals. We made Blackened Chicken Tacos with Chipotle Ranch, Fiesta Chicken Chowder, Korean Beef Lettuce Wraps, Provencal Chicken with Navy Beans, Pasta Florentine, and Casablanca Sunset Chicken with Cashew Chutney. We pretty much LOVED the concept of the place and decided it was a do-again-someday for sure. So family oriented. Love when things like that make it. Anyways we switched off between bag-holding and ingredient-measuring and I was reminded again of how amazingly lucky I am. Between his double checking of the measurements, his constant wiping off of the bags, and his complete lack of embarrassment to pick up the camera and take ridiculous amounts of pictures of ourselves in front of all the judgy onlookers, [Me: "Do you think everyone thinks we're terribly narcissistic?" Him: "Well yeah. We are." Lovely, honey. You rock for that.] and the way he got all excited every time we finished a recipe like we had just climbed Mt. Everest or something. He makes life more fun.

I probably should have tried to remember that as I was waking up this morning. This girl was, I know, hard to believe, but I was GRUMPY. I mean really grumpy. I mean Levi comes down and tries to throw a dance party on the bed to wake me up and I completely ignore him grumpy. Somehow, he pushed past it and still walked me out to the truck. He even responded with a completely heart felt I love you too, when I said, "I love you, I guess." Then he watched me drive away and of course by the time I had reached the end of the neighborhood I was wishing I had been a little friendlier. Thank goodness for [almost] husbands that don't take morning grump-pots personally.

Today as I was reading the little girl I watch a book, she grabbed her blanket and her George and cuddled her little head into my chest. She just laid there for a couple solid minutes. It just wasn't a bad day. I'm about to go do the same thing to the boi who is sleeping currently, and when we wake up I don't think I'll let him actually get up for a long, long time.

Tip of the Day: Nature Valley Granola bars crunched up in yogurt? It's the new bomb diggity. That is all.

This post made possible by Levi's Dad. Thanks for the awesome Christmas present!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like an amazing place. If there was one here, I would go there and stock up. I have zero time to cook during the week and I'm doing that challenge where I can't eat basically I am losing weight. But dinner is nice too. :)

    You've been reading Today's Letter's, haven't you? Isn't it so inspiring?
