Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mirror image.

I like doing a sparkling cider toast on New Years.
[I guess because my family always did.]
Anyway I told the boy this a few days before New Years Eve and made sure to get some, so we could.
When the moment came around, we were running a little late so the boy ran out to get the fire started and asked me to go get the sparkling cider ready.
I smiled as I turned toward the kitchen because I loved that he remembered.
Then when he saw me smile he smiled too and wrapped his arms around me, he laughingly asked, "Or are we supposed to do that together? Am I doing this wrong, babe?"

I couldn't suppress the giggle as I pulled myself away from him.
I think in that moment I fell probably five times harder in love with him.
I think because he was being so adamant about making the evening exactly what I wanted it to be.
He didn't have to, you know.
He had flossed too hard the night before and his head was killing him [I think a lot more than he was letting on, to be honest].
I would have fully understood, if he wanted to lay down, and get some early rest.
But he didn't.

A few weeks ago, before my winter work break, I went to bed earlier than Levi, as usual. But this time he came down and fell asleep next to me. An hour and a half later though I woke up worrying about him sleeping with his contacts in. So I got up and got a drink, which in the meantime woke him up, and he asked me why I was awake. I told him. He smiled gave me a kiss and told me he loved how "altruistic" I was.


I had no idea what that meant, but he got up, so I went back to sleep and didn't think anything of it until later in the afternoon the next day. At which point, I looked it up.

ALTRUISM: Unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others.

Honey, look in the mirror.

1 comment:

  1. Awsome picture by the fire. So romatic. Can your love for each other get any better?? I love you both
