Sunday, August 28, 2011

Appreciating it all.

I almost made today like every other. I woke up, was going to get to work on the kitchen. Probably complain a little about how hot it was. Probably sit here and wish that these dang cabinets were already painted. I almost took advantage of the fact that I get to work on the kitchen today. I almost took advantage of the fact that I'm able to use a little elbow grease. I almost forgot how blessed my life is.

See there are these three tiles in our entryway that have kind of "wiggled" for as long as we've been here. Every time you step on them you kind of hear them hit the mortar underneath them that they must have separated from. Well in the last couple weeks, it's made the grout around them start cracking and coming up in little pieces. Kind of obnoxious and really ugly. Well last night, Levi decided to fix it. And by last night I mean right about the time I threw on my PJ's and was pretty ready to crash out. So I fixated myself on sleep and laid down to you know, make a point or something. A few minutes into the project I hear his little voice. "Babe, where you at?" I look up, a little bit set still on my heavy eyelids, and mumbled a bitter, "What?" He repeats himself, "Where you at? You're usually right here with me on stuff like this." A little bit chagrined [and secretly dreading him asking me to mix him up some mortar or something], I say something about not thinking he needed my help on this particular project. He says, "Of course I need your help!" Then, when I dreading the response asked him what he needed, he came back with this.

"I need someone to say, 'Phew! Looks like a tough spot!' or 'Nice! It's lookin' better already!' then I'm going to need someone to hi-five when I get all done!"

At that point, I paused. I closed my eyes, counted to ten and reminded myself who fully I love my life. I ran over the list of all my favorite moments with Levi. Going to buy a lawn mower and some flowers, sitting outside planting while he cut the grass. Barely surviving under the weight as I held up ceiling fans and he attached the wires. Levi and I have done a lot of really fun things, but doing the little things together? Remembering to appreciate the not-so-obviously "fun" projects that we get to do right next to each other?

That is something I never want to lose. That is one of the main reasons I even started this blog. Those are the moments that make us, us.

Sorry babe, how about I paint some cabinets while you sand some edges today? Thanks for the reminder that life is better together. Love you more than grout floats and lemony baked carrots.

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