Sunday, August 14, 2011

Takin' the plunge.

All right here's the thing. I really held out for as long as I could on the whole "What I Wore" posting. And really I'm not even sure I'll do it regularly but I was reading a new blog I found the other day and she mentioned how she did outfit posts because it made her get dressed everyday. It made her want to get ready for her man and think outside the box with the clothes that she had. THAT, sounds worth it to me. In fact, it sounds good for me. Ergo [more for me than for you, loves] I'm jumpin' on the bandwagon. Yeeehaw.
Oversized tank? Levi's favorite of course. Grey skinnies? Levi's favorites of course. You can bet that that boy was lovin' all over me today!

1 comment:

  1. Here's the thing, so she came home and told me she was super happy I was her photographer cuz she thought I did a real good job with her camera that day but there is a little secret.... promise not to tell..... (it doesn't actually matter who shot those photos, they would have been frickin' cute either way, kinda has more to do with the "super fun to look at" thing inside the camera view).... but I kinda like her thinkin' I had something to do with the pictures turning out well so don't tell her ;)
