Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The shirt of the summer.

 Honestly can't believe I'm still on track with these things - and just for the record this one was much better. Turns out, along with presenting yourself with huge personal challenges to help grow some confidence in yourself, it also helps to do laundry once in a while. [A big thank you to all of you who sent me love, though. You make my life.]
This shirt really was THE shirt of the summer. It's loose. It's light. The open back let's it breathe so beautifully. I am so glad I found it because it was my GO TO for all the hottest days. Usually I pair it with some trouser shorts and glittered sandals but I was feeling a little dressier today. Quite versatile. In love.

On the other hand, I got two pairs of Miss Me's going into winter last year because I liked how thick their denim was...by now they both have holes on the corners of the back pockets and two or three of the rivets have come out. Fail. At least I know what brand not to buy this year.

Let's play a quick round of...
Who can guess what the Amalie is doing in this picture?
Is she:
A. Trying to make the neighbors feel as uncomfortable as possible with some seriously awkward dance moves?
B. Having trouble handling her heels and about to take a tumble?
C. Telling the boy she has to pee and trying to find a position in which her super tight jeans don't press any harder on her bladder?
D. Trying to fly away from the nervous waves of the un-camera-happy passer-bys?
E. All of the above.

Anyone able to guess the correct answer wins a little gold star mention in the next blog post and my everlasting, personal respect.
Love and hugs y'all.


  1. I guess C. P.S. I absolutely love those shoes.

  2. Way to go on another style post! For my answer....ummm....E!

  3. Usually when you have a "all of the above" choice it is right so I guess I'll go with E. However before I read anything and saw the picture I thought you were about to fall. So B was my first choice. I can't decide so I'm going with both (my usual fail proof way of making choices).
