Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vanilla, chocolate, or maple?

[The boy can never decide which one he likes best methinks, because if we get donuts, this ALWAYS happens.]

I go back to work tomorrow for the first time in like a week and a half. [Family I nanny for went out of town.] So, to celebrate our last night of 24/7 togetherness... we had ourselves a little playdate in the pool!
[Sidenote: Check out our pretty wall! Remember what it looked like beforeee? We had them come back and raise it about four inches. In Levi's words, "It just didn't quite have the 'Blah-Blowwww' factor!" LOVE it now.]

We stayed out there for a couple hours, during which time a pretty epic battle of who-can-knock-the-other-off-the-raft-the-most ensued. Turns out Mr. Muscles really IS all he claims to be. Strong AND sneaky. Unfortunately for him, I'm just a tiny bit sneakier. I'm happy to say I made a name for all us girls by using that one thing them boys just can't resist. Us! I just situated myself right on top of that boy and claimed domination of the game beings as how he didn't even try to push me off anymore after I was all cuddled up on him like that. We girls gotta use what we can!

Anyway, we're gonna hit up Pei Wei later [or possibly Pita Jungle...10 points for me if I can talk him into it], kind of as a final harah. It was a really great break overall. My favorite parts?
1. Coming home after the only time we spent apart. He went golfing with his buddy and I went to lunch+shopping with my seester Friday afternoon. It is so much fun to be so equally loved. To come home and have him wanting to hear about your afternoon just as bad as you're wanting to hear about his. It's bliss. It was one afternoon but I'm pretty sure we spent at least two hours "catching up". Necessary? Maybe not for some people. For us? Definitely.
2. Getting to be on the same schedule. Sometimes Levi ends up working late into the night and sleeps through a lot of the day. I LOVE these long breaks where I get to completely adjust myself to the same schedule he's on. So fun.
3. Getting to make such solid progress on our home together! I know I've already mentioned it [and I'm still trying to decide if I want to give you a sneak peek, or just umm, "blah-blowww" you with it when it's done] but we're re-doing our kitchen. Cabinets, walls, it's a pretty big change! It's been such a good feeling to make progress on something that makes our life just a little bit more "us".
4. Not getting sick of each other. [This, of course coming from a girl who in every previous relationship has been told something to the affect of "Well we've seen each other the last couple days, I need a few to myself now."] I much prefer a boyfriend who LIKES me right along with loving me so that we don't need more time away from each other than we need together. It's much better for a person's confidence level too, Let. Me. Tell. You.
5. Two words. Afternoon. Naps.

Breaks from work are wayyyy more fun when he's in them.

[Planning on my second official "What I Wore" post tomorrow! Eep! That will mean I'll have actually gotten dressed twice in one week! What to the whhhhhaaattt??]

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