Monday, November 15, 2010

He really is.

you stand by me
and you believe in me
like nobody ever has
when my world goes crazy
you're right there to save me
you make me see how much i have

you're more than a lover
there could never be another
to make me feel the way you do
oh we just get closer
i fall in love all over
every time i look at you
i don't know where i'd be
without you here with me

life with you makes perfect sense
you're my best friend

As I walked out the door for work [at stupid-o-clock] this morning, I dropped my keys 3 times because my fingers were too frozen to grip them. In Arizona? 60 may as well be freezing point. Don't get me wrong, I love the cold, and I wish we [already] lived somewhere this cold front was a little more common, but, QUE SERA SERA, we're here, so my body isn't quite trained to function in such [ridiculous-shouldn't-be-liveable-for-the-human-race] weather. Luckily, the Frys just down the street was genius enough to embed a little Starbucks into their architecture. Two minutes after finally getting the keys in the ignition [which proves to be more difficult than anticipated when you're hands are both shaking harder than a jack hammer on asphalt] I was huddled over a steaming cup of hot chocolate trying to defrost. As I held the pretty red cup to my nose [in an effort to avoid the ever dreaded and constant winter worry...the snot-cicle] my eyes focused on the green circle and that lovely world-renown lady and for just a moment, I was back in Seattle. I was sitting at the top of the space needle, at those tall round tables, watching the cute barista sweep up her little space right next to the elevator. Levi was sitting across from me, watching me play nervously with my already empty venti hot cocoa. He had just asked me a question. [No, not THAT question. Come on people, do you see a ring on this finger?] He had just asked me to tell him exactly how I pictured my life. My life in Seattle. If I had my way exactly, if I could live my dream, what would it be. To be honest, I don't even remember exactly what I said. I'm pretty sure I mentioned something about Steve Madden boots, red jeans and a mustard yellow [perfectly fitting] button up. [Bless that boy for seeing past my shallow outer shell.] As we danced around the conversation, he was tender, but firm, he asked question after question, detail after detail, and all of the sudden, I let myself dream. He got me to think past "realistic" [which in my mind meant downsizing, and downsizing big]. And more than getting me to think past it, he made me change what I viewed as "realistic". All of the sudden, four days and fifteen+ hot chocolates later, I was talking about art school and photography and downtown apartments and meet-me-at-the-cafe-down-the-street lunch breaks. It was probably about the time he clarified that "it was okay to include him in these dreams of mine, because he planned on being there" that I realized. At some point through all the late night emails, the hours together on the open road, the half-asleep slap-happy conversations as we went to bed, at some point through the last four months, and more specifically the last four days, Levi Chell Roberts had become my best friend. That life I made up? That life with him? It made perfect sense. Someone in the parking spot next to me must have been having trouble getting their hands steadied too because they hit the "panic" button instead of the "unlock" button, which will snap anyone back in to reality in an instant - take it from me. I was almost disappointed when I looked around at the familiar scene, but that never lasts long. The perfect outfit, the perfect apartment, none of it would even matter without Levi there [hey, I told you this was a love story, if you can't take the cheese, then don't read it]. The fact that I get to wake up and go home to him everyday? That, is the part that makes sense. And when you find the something in your life that makes everything else not seem to matter? When you find the missing piece to this crazy puzzle of a world we live in?

That's something you're not going to want to let go of.
That's a promise.

Contrary to popular belief, I happen to think Monday's are the greatest day of the week. It's a fresh start, and today is no different! As I mentioned, work started early for me this morning [Katie had a meeting to get to]. I don't mind though, sleepy kids faces are enough to make it worth it. Levi and I will probably go get some new movies tonight [three fist-pumps for Blockbusters 3 for $15 or 5 for $20 deals!]. Also I'm sure he'll continue charging ahead on his hammock [which is coming along quite nicely] and he may even want to go get paint to start the upstairs. Lucky me! I'm going to try this recipe for dinner because last nights Paella left-overs smell like orange chicken [go figure] and now I want some. Wish me luck.


  1. You guys are amazing. I love your writing Amilee. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving. I still want a copy of that picture of you guys by the cornstocks. Love ya Mom
