Friday, November 19, 2010

No ending in sight.

People have asked us if we thought it would "go away". They ask things like, "Don't you think it's going to fade though? I mean all relationships are fun at the beginning, right?" or when we do something for each other they say things like, "Yeah, I give that a year."


Just for the record...

I resent that statement! Levi's not an, "Okay, this is a good life, let's stop here." kind of person [it's one of the first things I loved about him]. I'm learning to be the same way. We don't settle. We're constantly finding ways to lift each other. We're constantly finding new things to love about each other and we're constantly talking about things we can do that keeps us growing together, as well as individually. That way we're moving forward together. I've noticed [one of] the main reason[s] relationships stop being "fun" after a period of time, is because people start to "just deal". Instead of continuing to improve, they just stop trying, like they hit a road block and they don't want to take the time to look at a map for a new route, even though there's one right in the glove box. They'd rather just wait until the blockage was cleared - but the problem is, sometimes it doesn't. [Metaphor Man saves the day!] Anyways I know I've been there, but I think the important thing is that we're not now.

We were walking through the neighborhoods around Alki Beach and we walked past an elderly couple getting into the car. The man opened the door for his wife and she smiled at him [so sweetly] as she sat down. You could just tell they were still in love. As we walked by the man waved at us and wished us a great afternoon. They LOVED their life. They loved being together. They were so obviously happy. It just radiated off of them! I think about them all the time - and they're a lot of the reason that my answers to all these questions are the same every time.

No, I don't believe for a second that Levi and I will ever stop loving our lives together. Yes, I actually do believe that five years from now, if I get up from the table to get myself a drink, I'll still ask Levi if he needs anything while I'm up. And yes, I do believe that when we're old and gray, Levi will still open up my door for me, and I'll still smile at him like I love him.

Why? Because I still will. And I'll love him more then than I do now, because I love him more today than I did yesterday, and I loved him more yesterday than the day before, and on and on and on and on and on...
There's no end to a path like that.

TGIF. It's a work day just like any other for this girl today. Except that the dogs murdered a lizard right in front of me and it [very nearly] killed me. I shooed them away and wrapped the poor thing in a napkin for it's proper burial. That's the kind of stupid thing that breaks muh lil' heart. 5 second moment of silence for the dude.
Levi took [almost] the entire day off of paving yesterday so he could get some work done, I'm sure he's back at it this afternoon. I hope so anyway, I can't wait to see it all finished and I can't wait for the next step so I can help again! [This part is kind of a one person job, he says "keeping him company is enough" but I feel better when I'm doing some of the physical work.] Either way, plenty to do to keep us busy this weekend. Including getting ready for Seattle! Only 6 more days - that's less than a week! Hip hip hooray!

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