Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An informational letter.

Dear Mr. Roberts:

Yesterday, you told me how crazy you are about me in your glasses, to the point where you wanted to go to Wal-Mart to get me my own frames so I could where them more often. Yesterday, you held me while I didn't feel good and asked me if I was happy - you thought you knew the answer, but you wanted to make sure. Yesterday, you told me [again] that you liked my jeans, and decided that they must've named the brand "Miss Me" because as soon as I'm gone you Miss watching Me walk around in them. Yesterday, we made your Honey Lime Enchiladas together and you talked the entire time about how much better it is to do it together, then you remembered not to put extra lime on a couple of them, just for me. Yesterday, you threatened to tickle me and chased me down the stairs, only to stop at the bottom because "you just love my reactions to those things". Yesterday, when we went to exchange the [gross] milk we had gotten a couple days ago, and we worded the problem differently, I apologized for maybe making you sound a little dumb [which you most definitely are not] and you apologized back, even though really you didn't need to. Yesterday, you gave me the remote to the TV and told me you were just there to cuddle with me so I could watch whatever I wanted, then when I didn't have a preference, you just turned it off, but you didn't stop cuddling with me. Yesterday, you held me while I was falling asleep, and when I woke up, you were still there.

Yesterday, at the end of the day, you asked me to never fall out of love with you.

Just in case you're still in wonderment?
It ain't evah gonna happen.

Best best best regards,


  1. Dear Amalie,

    Words cannot express how happy I am that you and Levi are together.


  2. I love you guys. I am so happy you are there for each other. Mom
