Thursday, December 2, 2010

There's [at least] one!

I just made Baked Potato Soup.
I was going to start posting recipes on here as I tried them but I pretty much just made this one up so I don't even know what to tell ya.
There was some milk in there.
There were some potatoes in there.
There was like some garlic and stuff in there.

It was pretty good.
Levi made it sound like edible gold again.
Yep, he even figured out how to make me feel on top of the world over a semi-successful experiment. 

I was reading through my old journals today and found this:

"I'm crazy about this boy! I haven't been able to just have fun and be me in a real long time and Levi totally lets me do that. In fact he, without having to say anything makes me want to be the best version of me possible!" 

That was May 1st, a couple days before moving here. I can't even tell you how much I love that that hasn't changed! I love that he is so willing to love me just the way I am. I love that he's never asked me to be anyone different. E. E. Cummings said "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting". I don't think there's a single person in this grandiose world that hasn't been tossed into one of those situations where suddenly, you're wearing a mask. It may or may not be on purpose, but there are some intimidating situations, people, and places in this world and for some reason people [in general] tend to feel like being just them - it just isn't good enough. It's one of those sad truths of life and some of us feel it quite a bit more than others. 

Ready for the good news?

The Good God Above [or the big bang, or the monkeys, or wherever you believe life came from] didn't make only one of these human being things.

There are a good 310,835,569 in the US alone [and really by the time you read this that number will have grown immensely] to choose from. I can promise you if you don't feel like you've found them yet, that there is at least one person out there who you won't have to "try" around. You won't have to make excuses about that hot pink snake skin pair or heels you just bought, you won't have to dumb yourself down and act like you have no idea how positive and negative energy work together, and you won't have to act like throwing a bunch of stuff in a pot and calling it potato soup is anything more than a therapeutic escape.

You won't have to, because your person will just get it. Not only will they just get it, but they'll make you feel like that quirk of yours? It's their favorite thing about you. It'll feel good.

This next part is not up for discussion. Finding the one that loves you for you?


Fighting the battle to remain true to yourself is one hundred and ten percent easier when you're not fighting alone.

It's a good thing it's Thursday because I think I'm catchin' something from my kids. I'll be resting up this weekend for sure! Levi and I are watching the ASU vs UofA football game on his computer right now. [GO ASU!!] It'll be a celebratory night for sure if they take it. If the Suns can pull a win out of Golden State this night is going to be like OUT. Of control. I'm so making making no-bakes if that happens. Could there be a better excuse? Sidenote. Levi is singing me his version of The Sound Of Music soundtrack and I'm not really sure what to do with it. My life rocks.

1 comment:

  1. That's right fellas. She loves sports too. I'm sorry but you just can't have her.
