Monday, December 13, 2010

Starting the day off right.

Conversation of the week:
Amalie: Do you think I could train my laundry to do itself?
Levi: Yeah!
Amalie: I don't know, I've been trying for years and it hasn't happened yet.
Levi: Well, maybe not do itself, but you could probably train your boyfriend to do it for you!

Ha! I'm pretty sure the fact that he was willing made that load about a billion times easier.

So, ready for another background piece of our story?

That first morning after we woke up together on our way to Seattle, I was the second to get up. I was the second to get up and like any girl getting ready for her first full day with the possible-love-of-her-life, I took slightly longer than usual to get ready...slightly. Okay, okay, I may have heard knock knock..."Housekeeping?" probably 4 or 5 times by the time I was finishing up. I was so ready and expecting [and totally deserving] for Levi to be hurrying me along and rushing me out the door.

Well. If there's anything I've learned about life with Levi, it's that it's a life full of surprises!

Instead of playing the typical man role, loading me up and hefting me out the door mascara in hand, he went downstairs and got me breakfast. Then he sweet talked housekeeping into temporarily ceasing their knock knocking [that boys tongue is going to get him into trouble someday, a few smooth words and their little aprons were all a-flutter "...Oh! No problem, no problem. Issokay we come back later just fo' youuuu!"]. Then he came and told me to take my time and he hung out with me while I finished my hair. He asked me if I needed anything. He asked me if I wanted him to take any of my bags out. He made sure I had slept good and that I had eaten enough.

As I would soon find out is completely normal, the boy was a sweetheart.
I was thinking about that this morning as I was getting ready for work and he, very much like that first morning [and most mornings since], came in to hang out with me while I did so. It means so much to me to have someone who won't change. To have someone who is just going to keep loving me. He still acts as completely enthralled at being the one I start my day with as he did in the Fairfield Marriott. It's just one of those things that he doesn't have to do. I mean, trust me, out of the billions of people in the world I'm not one of the first that you would choose to have to have around you in the morning. Either I wake up on the right side of the bed, in which case I transform into a mindless three year old and start using words like, "GUP!" [Translation: Get Up!] or "DAMORNEEN!" [Translation: Good morning!]. Or, option number two, I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and start using words like, well, we'll keep this PG but you get the idea. Let's just say, I don't even like being around me in the morning. Even still. He comes in. From the alarm going off all the way to walking out to the truck. He's always there.

I don't know how or why he does it, but somehow he makes every day a beautiful one. Every day! Even at stupid o clock in the morning, I'm up and smiling because he's willing to take the time to make sure I am. You know how I said he was the reason I trust the sun to rise? That's because I have to trust it. I have to trust it because I just can't believe that a world so beautiful could cease to exist. And I believe the world is so beautiful because I so fully love my life. And I so fully love my life, because Levi is in it. Find your reason. Find your reason to trust that the sun will rise. Find it, and love it.

We still have quite a bit of painting to do, glad it's Monday. Beginnings of the week are always the most productive. Plus we'll probably finish up some deep cleaning that we started last night. That's a slight understatement. We tend to get in cleaning modes together and let's just say our house could pass as a presidential suite at a five star hotel right now. The place is spotless. But there's always more to do, right? I think some organizing on top of the general cleanliness would be good...we'll see how far either of us get! I need to do some grocery shopping too, stock up on some things for dinners this week. Really it's mostly a get-things-done kind of a day. It could be slightly overwhelming if we didn't do it all together anyway. Sigh. It's a charmed life!

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