Monday, December 27, 2010

Yeah, I'm wrapped. So what?

For a little "before bed snack" yesterday, we made some mashed potatoes and gravy [from scratch, because you know, it's a quick thing]. As we were eating I reminded Levi that he hadn't read the last couple blog posts yet and so we pulled it up while we ate. He started [in between smacking bites] reading them out loud, as he always does and I started to get up to grab a cup of milk. He was too quick for me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into my chair. "Where are you going?" He asked me with this little-boy-lost-at-the-fair-can-you-help-me-find-my-mommy-look. I smiled and sat back down. "Nowhere, of course."

Tonight we had Levi's dad over. We made him orange chicken with oven-fried asparagus and got to visit with him for a few hours. After he left we checked our fantasy scores, and we played with the digital picture frame he had gotten us for Christmas [THANK YOU!], and then we snuggled down to watch some Criminal Minds. On one of the commercial breaks I got up for a bathroom break - or started too. Alas, the boy caught my hand once again. I looked down at the same face from the day before and decided it could [definitely] wait. Plopping right back down beside him again and couldn't help but kiss the cheek under those sweet, now smiling, "I got what I wanted" eyes. Then I laughed at my [could be slightly] pathetic self because really, I needed that break!

Now before anyone starts throwing out any yellow flags or posting any last minute CAUTION signs down my road of life, I'm telling you straight out. I am thoroughly, completely and one hundred percent aware that the boy has me totally, fully and in every way possible...WRAPPED. But before you worry yourselves sick, you should understand something. Let's explain, with story of the night number three. 

At the end of Criminal Minds, we flipped to the news for our daily update [which pretty much consists of making sure South Africa hasn't sunk or anything drastic like that] and instead got bombarded [as usual] with stories of missing 92 year olds, family shootings, trucks through houses and all assortments of light sucking events that make you [almost] wish that a major continent had suddenly become immersed in water. I, feeling rather depressed from such stories, made a quick concoction of fake tears and little boo-hoos and, upon receiving no comforting response from the boy then followed the show up with a [rather exaggerated] clearing of my throat at which point Levi immediately rolled over, wrapped me up in his arms and kissed the side of my face dramatically. "I'm so sorry babe, what can we do?" At this point I'm sure I could've gotten that pony that he still owes me from blog post number thirty-one but I [unfortunately] could no longer hold back the smile from my face and somehow instead got a series of tickling attacks that left me squealing into the next room [suddenly overly aware that my priorities when it comes to important things like bathroom breaks needed some serious adjusting].

And so, people, the moral of this story is, being wrapped isn't such a bad thing really, just as long as it goes both ways. To be honest, in a relationship like ours? I'm pretty sure sometimes, we really rather enjoy it.

And that, is just all that matters.

It sure was a busy Monday, for being off work still. I was hoping to make it over to Katie's anyway because it was her birthday yesterday and I have something for her [Ready everyone? On three. One...Two...Three! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!]. Anyways, that'll have to be tomorrow because today somehow got consumed with things like dishes, and dishes...oh! And more dishes! Levi and I decided enchiladas sounded amazing for lunch today, so we made those, and then dinner tonight, I really think I was in the kitchen all day long! Good thing I love it all! It was a blast having his dad over and we did get the place good and clean before he got here. We're getting ready for bed now but I just might go brag about my Fantasy Football Third Place Win before I do! You know, it's a good excuse for stealing some more attention!

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