Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Because I'm sure you're sick of our faces...

I've been working endlessly on this photoshoot I did last Saturday for some of my family. I won't lie, I'm a little crazzyyyy about some of these shots, but don't blame me. These two are so in love and so ready to become a little family, it was hard to get a shot where they weren't laughing, and happy, and radiating that attitude. They mostly wanted some engagement shots, but we couldn't help but throw Mama's little girl in for a few. Thought I'd share a few of my favorites today!

And, just in case you were wondering, TODAY I LOVE the way the boy humors my pathetic-ness when I'm feeling a little under the weather and how excited he gets to share his favorite things with me. I also love cuddling up to him and hearing story after story about broken bones and childhood dramas all because I asked about a little scar. [No really, it's probably one of my favorite things!] I also love the new Reese's Ice Cream Sandwiches. And on that note. Please excuse me. It's time for a Wal-Mart run.


  1. How sweet. Loved the close up of their hands / her ring.

  2. so i found your blog and I just wanted to say thank you! I love your everyday love for the simple things! And your photography is so great! You can take our pictures anytime you want!

  3. Great pictures Amalie. You have a talent for photography! Love you!

  4. Thanks ladies! I have a lot of fun with it!

    Whitney, it really has been such a great way of teaching myself to NOTICE the little things. Such a therapeutic routine!
