Monday, March 21, 2011

Learnin' somethin' every day.

This morning, boy and I ate an artichoke. [Keep ye in mind that this is actually our evening. We've been up since yesterday afternoon. Sleep soon? Yes yes.] Boy and I eat artichokes differently. Boy mixes mayo and lemon, I mix butter and lemon. Unfortunately, upon finishing the cooking stage of said artichoke, boy realized we were out of his Real Foods Real Mayonnaise! I naively pointed out that I had just gotten a big jar of Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil and that it was virtually the same thing. He [trying desperately to be appreciative, bless his heart] tentatively mixed some of it together with lemon. Three bites later we were headed for Frys.

In conclusion, Real Foods > Kraft. Lesson learned.

Here is what I love. I love learning him. Since things like sandwich condiment brands could really matter less to me, I love learning that it does to him. I didn't know that a year ago. Really there was so much that I didn't know the day Levi took this picture.

I certainly didn't know he was about to kiss me [Of course according to him, he didn't either. Right.] I didn't know yet that I would soon be madly [and hopelessly and pathetically and desperately and perfectly] in love with him. I didn't know that he preferred Chocolate Instant Breakfast over Nestle's Chocolate Milk. I didn't know that Knotts with seeds is his favorite to put on English Muffins. I didn't even know that he abhorred onions [and once you know Levi, that's something you learn really quickly].

Now, after this morning, if you and I were to go grocery shopping, and I had mayonnaise on my list, I could puff out my chest and proudly head to the Best Foods section, explaining to you confidently that "that, is what the boy prefers". Tell me people, really, could there be a more valuable life lesson to be learned? I am here to tell you. There most definitely, is NOT.

Dear Levi,
Love you more than artichoke hearts and newly-hemmed shorts. Let's never stop learning each other.
Love, Me

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post. Loved this.

    P.S. I am not a mayonnaise fan at all but mayo and lemon is the best with artichokes. I've converted Wendel as well.
