Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's like better than a sleeping pill.

On occasion, [more specifically - when I work the next day] I unfortunately have to hit the sheets a bit sooner than Levi does. And by "a bit sooner" I mean eight hours. Minimum. I mean he's still awake when I get up and doesn't go to sleep for another hour after I leave. Last night, was one of those nights. It was one, or twoish when I decided to crash, so I told Levi I was going to sleep. We exchanged smiles and good-nights and I love you's and I went to bed. BUT WAIT. It was one of those splendid nights that we all know and love where our body is screaming for sleep and our minds are like, "Oh no you did NOT just lay down. Just for that I'm going to run a thousand thoughts a second through your head for the next two hours. Just for fun. PARTY OF THE NEURON STIMULI." Ugh. So. As a result. Two hours later. I'm up again. You know. To pee. And get a hot pad. [Since because I was trying to sleep, my stomach also decided to have a little girl party called cramps.] Anyways. Two seconds after I turn the light on, there's the boy.

"I heard you awake! I just wanted to say goodnight one more time."
Insert big perfect pause-button-worthy hug here.
Back I go, smile on my face, I lay down, and guess what people?

Out, like a light.

Now don't tell ME that that boy's love isn't healing.

I think I might just keep him around. Just for nights like these, you know. Oh, and for the times he dances for me. Because really after being on the observing end when he pulls one of these sweet moves out of the sky, your life, will just never be the same. You're welcome, people.

Don't forget to click on this one to view it large. Really - there's no other way.

1 comment:

  1. Nice moves! I like how you put it together Amalie.

    You guys are adorable.
